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Who are we ?

I'm not going to tell you about my life, but if you want to know how it all started, this is where it happens!!
You should know that I have been passionate about skateboarding since my childhood. Never been a pro, but both the sport and the lifestyle that surrounds the sk8 have always been part of my life. Today at 43 years old, founder and co-owners of Martsk8ramps, I am in the business more than ever.
It all started at the start of the pandemic. The confinement made me do a first quarter ramp to occupy my 2 daughters and me. In my garage, with the means at hand and inexpensive materials, this first marvel was born.
From there it tumbled very quickly..! Friends and acquaintances started asking me to make them, so a second and a third.. I never wanted or thought of having a skate module company, but I started to really like the project and the request was here. I perfected the models, increased the quality of the materials, developed new products, I associated myself with partners and suppliers... my profession in aeronautics has rubbed off on my products which have become over time the best in the world. Quebec and eastern Ontario in skate, scooter, roller and bmx modules. Modules of flawless quality, CNC machined using the best materials on the market.
Victim of the popularity of my products, I quickly became overwhelmed by it all. That's when my old boyfriend Sébastien got involved and became my partner. thanks to its business experience, martsk8ramps is now what it is today. We are now in a commercial premises with the capacity to supply on demand and to offer you the best modules at more than competitive prices within a more than reasonable time!!